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Collaborative Efforts in Preserving Traditional Knowledge Systems

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Collaborative Efforts in Preserving Traditional Knowledge Systems

Cultural preservation requires collaboration between various stakeholders—local governments, academic institutions, and the communities themselves. In this post, we discuss how fostering partnerships among these groups strengthens efforts to preserve Traditional Knowledge Systems (TKS) in Panay, Guimaras, and Negros Occidental. By working together, these entities can pool resources, knowledge, and expertise to ensure that the cultural … Read more

Empowering Communities Through Cultural Mapping Training

Cultural mapping training equips communities with the tools and knowledge they need to document and preserve their heritage. In this post, we discuss how hands-on workshops empower stakeholders in Panay, Guimaras, and Negros Occidental to take an active role in the cultural mapping process. We walk through the core components of our training, from identifying … Read more